Bon's CGI Freebies
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Home/ Link redirection

This is a pull down menu script. User are directed to the link selected from the menu.

Click Count
ClickCount is a FREE Program that will keep track of all hits and clicks on any link on your page. It includes an online viewer, with color tables, to view the log online. Password changeable for viewer. It will run on NT or Unix. New version no longer requires and requires minimal setup.

Menu Redirect
An extremely useful script that allows to have easy menu redirection on all you pages. And it is really easy to use.

Logged Redirect
A cool new script that allows to have easy redirection with logging on your site. It is really easy to use and puts information into a '|' delimited data file for easy exporting to a spreadsheet.

Frame It
FrameIt is a simple re-direct script that lets you link to other people's sites without loosing your visitor. By altering the links on your page to go through FrameIt.cgi, a framed window is created. The bottom frame contains a link back to the referring page.

Jump Box
JumpBox allows you to implement a "drop-down" menu on your site. The URLs it redirects to can be explicitly defined in the script (secure implementation), or passed along by the page as form data (open implementation) for added flexibility.
A simple pull down menu script.

Pull-down menu redirection, also works with any other type of form. Webmaster does not have to code URL into page, script calls URL from database. Saves server space, webmaster time.

JumpNcount Perl 5 CGI is a FREE Drop-Menu "Go To" or "Jump" style linked list Unix script. But unlike most drop menu link lists, JumpNcount records the number of clicks to each link. The script can log clicks to many drop-menu forms in one file, OR create a log file for each drop-menu form on many pages (preferred). After the script is installed, there is no set up needed for any new drop-menu placed on your pages.

Do you have tons of links you want on your page, but you don't want your page to reach the moon? Get Go2It!, just what you need. It lets you place millions (or trillions) of links in one drop down menu! Not only that, since there is no configuration, it's easy to setup!

REDIR.PL is a simple little CGI script that will redirect browsers to a new URL. It can display a page telling the user they are about to be redirected as well as log the redirect. This can be useful for tracking clicks through a web site or just a nice way to say adios to folks leaving your site.

URL tracker
Ever wondered if people are clicking on links in your pages to goto other web sites ? and how many ? and where they're "calling" from? Well that is what this script does, you can select specific urls on your page to be redirected to this script which keeps track of the date, time, and what domain the user was logged on from that clicked them.

Jeff's redirection
A very flexible CGI script that allows you to redirect to a link using a variety of ways.

Quick Jump station
Redirection script. Select a web destination from a drop-down menu and go for it. No URLs are used into the HTML code, so nobody can use your script without your knowledge :-)

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Site created by Bon Ragget 1999