Bon's CGI Freebies
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RandomPicker randomly displays images, texts and their links. Use it for your advertisement banners or just as a random quotation feature on your webpages. Supports SSI and non-SSI usage!

Picture Pool
Picture Pool displays random images over a certain amount of time. A total hands free picture rotator. The script reads all image files in a dir and randomly picks a certain number of them, after a certain amount of time is up, another number of pictures are chosen.

Random Image Generator
This script is a basic random image generator which randomly select an image and displays it in a HTML document.

SSI Image New
This script is provided to allow you to have a random image appear on your page every time it is reloaded. The server side includes version offers you link flexibility as well as coinciding random alt text and other variables which make it slightly more advanced than the Basic Random Image Displayer.

Image rotation
Loads random images into the upper frame and changes them in specified intervals of time.

Picture Frame
This script is for organizing a bunch of images on your page. It will display a thumbnail of each image in a table and link that automatically to the big image. You only need to tell it the image directories (no file names) it does the rest. When it shows the larger image it displays it on an html page made on the fly with a standard header and footer, so it's like every image has it's own page instead of just being an image with nothing more.

Image show
This is a script to display each of your images. Full control of what should be displayed, be sure nobody else is using it and track all bandwidth thieves. Create web pages with images on the fly by editing a simple text file. Could work with, but does not require Server Side Includes (SSI).

Thumbnail Pro
A great script for automating the process of creating and viewing thumb nails of your pictures.

Image Catalog
This is a script to organize, manage and display all your images and thumbnails. Have full control of what will be displayed, be sure nobody else is using it and track all bandwidth thieves. Create web image catalogs on the fly by editing a simple text file. Could work with, but does not require Server Side Includes (SSI).

Auto Quotes
AutoQuotes creates a Web based slide show with image variations and random quotes.

Slide Viewer
A good slideshow script. COmes with Next, Previous, Start and End buttons. Use it to add an image slideshow to your site!

A HTML slideshow script.

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Site created by Bon Ragget 1999